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Discover cozy small apartment ideas to maximize space and create a comfortable living environment. Get inspired by our design tips and tricks.

how to decorate after christmas

How to Transition from Christmas to Winter Decor​

This post shows you 22 unique winter decor ideas for after Christmas. As the holiday season winds down and we pack away our Christmas decorations, our homes can feel a bit… empty. But here’s the thing: transitioning to winter decor after Christmas doesn’t have to be boring or daunting.  It’s actually an astonishing opportunity to create a serene, cozy winter wonderland right in your…

Acrylic Canvas Painting Ideas

35 Mega Easy Acrylic Canvas Painting Ideas For Beginners

This post shows you painting ideas for beginners. Acrylic painting is one of the best ways to jump into the world of art because of how surprisingly versatile, forgiving, and accessible to all skill levels.  If you’re looking for painting ideas for beginners, acrylics are a great choice! It doesn’t matter if you’re just picking up a brush for…

a bathroom with blue walls and wood flooring,

15 Bathroom with sloped ceiling design Ideas & Tips

This post shows you 15 lists of ideas for a sloped ceiling bathroom design for attics. Have you ever found yourself standing in an empty attic space, wondering if that small, sloped ceiling area could be put to good use? Adding a bathroom will raise the value of your house and improve its look to buyers in the future. But maybe you feel unsure how to make it work with such an awkward layout….